
Friday, 12 April 2013

Numbers from 1 to 100

Learning to count it's fun!! Here you have a song that will help you to learn to count to one hundred. Don't miss it! and get ready to RAP!!

 Review on here how to write the numbers.
Check your spelling playing this game with professor MelonHead.

Practice english and enjoy your weekend.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Saint Patrick's party is comming!

Last Sunday 17th March, people celebrated Saint Patrick's day in many places all around the world.
We would like to celebrate it at El Turó school too, with all our pupils in year 5 and 6.

These are some easy rhymes to learn and have a funnier party!!


Leprechaun, leprechaun,
Reach up high.
Leprechaun, leprechaun,
Touch the sky.
Leprechaun, leprechaun,
Turn around.
Leprechaun, leprechaun,
Touch the ground.
Leprechaun, leprechaun,
Show your shoe.
Leprechaun, leprechaun,
That will do.


A leprechaun is small and green
He hides where he cannot be seen.
But if you catch one on this day,
He must give his gold away.

ST.PATRICK'S DAY (try to do some actions too)

St. Patrick's Day is here, you see..
We'll pick some shamrocks, one two, three
We'll count the leaves and look them over,
And maybe find a four-leafed clover!
I'll sew green buttons on my vest,
Green for St.Patrick is the best.
I'll wear a green hat, very high,
And dance a list I'll try!

Friday, 22 February 2013


Yesterday we went to the theatre and enjoyed a wonderful play titled "Frankenstein". Before and after the show we have worked several activities about the play and we have learnt new things and gone over old topics like: the present tense (including 3rd person and imperativ), vocabulary (parts of the body, basic adjectives and adverbs, narrative structures) and functional language (asking questions, giving explanations and instructions).


Frankenstein is a doctor of medicine. He has a laboratory where, helped by his assistant, he gives classes of anatomy. He also has a book ‘How to make a monster’. All he needs are a few pieces of body, a brain and a lot of energy. But where is he going to get these things from?

Here you have more photographs

I hope you enjoy it!!!

Thursday, 31 January 2013

When The Saints



Monday, 28 January 2013

El món seria més feliç

The "School Day of Non-violence and Peace", founded in 1964, is a pioneering initiative of Non-violent and Pacifying Education, which is now practised in schools all over the world and in which centres of education, teachers and students of all levels and from all countries are invited to take part.
30th January is the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi.

El "Dia de la No-violència i de la Pau", fundat al 1964, és una iniciativa pionera de l'Educació per a la Pacificació i la No-violència , que actualment és practicada a escoles d'arreu el món i en el que centres educatius, professorat i estudiants de tots els nivells i de tots els països estan convidats a prendre-hi part. El 30 de gener és l'aniversari de la mort de Mahatma Gandhi.

We will sing this song:

El món seria més feliç
si tots fóssim amics.
Jugar tots junts,
cantar tots junts,
seria divertit.

El món seria molt millor
si no tinguessim por
si sense demanar perdó
poguéssim ser com som.

El món seria més humà
si tots fóssim germans
si ens agaféssim de les mans
com mai no hem fet abans.

En un altre món
és el món que volem
és el món que volem
en un altre món.

Friday, 25 January 2013

English Class (Speaking)

Friday, 11 January 2013


These are the songs we've been working in class. I hope tomorrow you'll enjoy singing them, and the theatre play too.


Robin Hood, Robin Hood, My name's Robin Hood.
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, I live in the wood.
I take from the bad, I give to the good
Robin Hood, Robin Hood, robin Hood.


The Sheriff of Nottingham,
is a very bad man,
he takes all the gold,
from the poor and old,
but I take from the bad,
and give it ot the good,
I'm Robin Hood! (audience: Robin Hood)
Robin Hood! (audience: Robin Hood)

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY (the Sheriff's song)

Money, money, money
very funny, in a rich man's world
Money, money, money
allways sunny, in a rich man's word
Ah-ha ha-ha-ha, all the thing I can do
Because I have a lot of money,
it's a rich man's world, it's a rich man's,
it's a rich man's world!