
Thursday, 10 November 2011

Halloween With Our Pupils In Preschool

BOO!!! Look at these terrifying witches...
BOO!!! Mira aquestes horribles bruixes...

Singing Halloween songs and colouring scary pumpinks.
Cantant cançons de Halloween i pintant carbasses que fan por.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Wheels On The Bus

Today we've been singing a new song with pupils in P5.
Avui, els alumnes de P5 hem aprés una nova cançó.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Our First English Theater Play

Pupils in year three have been acting out a traditional Halloween rhyme. It's their first experience acting in English. They've been so brave, congratulations!

Els alumnes de tercer han estat interpretant un vers tradicional de halloween. És la seva primera experiencia actuant en anglès. Han estat molt valents, felicitats!

Checking Assistance In Year Two.

Pupils in year two check their class assistance in english.

Els alumnes de segon passen llista en anglès.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Whay Time Is It?

Here you can practice the hours playing with this JCLIC game.

The Night Of Halloween

These short stories have been written by pupils in year 6. It's been a hard work for them, but we're really proud about the results. It's their first English written work and, although there are many mistakes in it, we all know how difficult can be to think and write in a foreign language. So.. well done guys!! Congratulations!!


These short stories have been written by pupils in year 6. It's been a hard work for them, but we're really proud about the results. It's their first English written work and, although there are many mistakes in it, we all know how difficult can be to think and write in a foreign language. So.. well done guys!! Congratulations!!.

The Magic Flower

These short stories have been written by pupils in year 6. It's been a hard work for them, but we're really proud about the results. It's their first English written work and, although there are many mistakes in it, we all know how difficult can be to think and write in a foreign language. So.. well done guys!! Congratulations!!.

A Halloween Night Story

These short stories have been written by pupils in year 6. It's been a hard work for them, but we're really proud about the results. It's their first English written work and, although there are many mistakes in it, we all know how difficult can be to think and write in a foreign language. So.. well done guys!! Congratulations!!