
Friday, 23 December 2011

Merry Christmas To All

It's Christmas time, and we'd like to wish  hapiness and joy to everyone around with a special Christmas card.
Have a lovely holidays, and don't forget to practice English everytime you can!

your English teachers

Els mestres d'anglès us volem desitjar un bon Nadal amb una targeta molt especial.
Bones vacances i no us oblideu practicar l'anglès sempre que pugueu.

Els vostres mestres d'anglès

Friday, 9 December 2011

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Enjoy singing this Christmas carol with all your family. Here is the song we started learning in class.

Disfruteu cantant aquesta nadala amb la vostre família. Aquí teniu la cançó que vam començar a treballar a classe.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Grade 3 - Jingle Bells

Have fun singing Christmas Carols!!!
Passeu-ho bé cantant aquesta nadala!!!

Don't you remember the lyrics?....Here you've got them:
No t'en recordes de la lletra? Doncs aquí la tens:

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh.

Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh

O'er the fields we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bob tails ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to laugh and sing
A sleighing song tonight

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh
Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh

Happy Christmas - War Is Over


John Lennon was born in Liverpool, England in 1940.
He studied art and wanted to be an artist.
In 1962 he formed a band called " The Beatles" with Paul Mcartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star.
In 1968 John divorced his childhood sweetheart, Cynthia.
John married a Japanese girl named Yoko Ono.
The band broke up in 1970 shortly after recording one of the greatest albums, Let It Be.
In 1975 John's and Yoko's son, Sean. was born.
John spent five years helping take care of his boy.
On December 8, 1980, a young man shot John outside his home in New York.
John died in a police car on the way to the hospital.

He will be reminded for his work as a  singer, song writer, poet and his political activism towards peace.

John Lennon - Viquipèdia.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Halloween With Our Pupils In Preschool

BOO!!! Look at these terrifying witches...
BOO!!! Mira aquestes horribles bruixes...

Singing Halloween songs and colouring scary pumpinks.
Cantant cançons de Halloween i pintant carbasses que fan por.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

The Wheels On The Bus

Today we've been singing a new song with pupils in P5.
Avui, els alumnes de P5 hem aprés una nova cançó.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Our First English Theater Play

Pupils in year three have been acting out a traditional Halloween rhyme. It's their first experience acting in English. They've been so brave, congratulations!

Els alumnes de tercer han estat interpretant un vers tradicional de halloween. És la seva primera experiencia actuant en anglès. Han estat molt valents, felicitats!

Checking Assistance In Year Two.

Pupils in year two check their class assistance in english.

Els alumnes de segon passen llista en anglès.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Whay Time Is It?

Here you can practice the hours playing with this JCLIC game.

The Night Of Halloween

These short stories have been written by pupils in year 6. It's been a hard work for them, but we're really proud about the results. It's their first English written work and, although there are many mistakes in it, we all know how difficult can be to think and write in a foreign language. So.. well done guys!! Congratulations!!


These short stories have been written by pupils in year 6. It's been a hard work for them, but we're really proud about the results. It's their first English written work and, although there are many mistakes in it, we all know how difficult can be to think and write in a foreign language. So.. well done guys!! Congratulations!!.

The Magic Flower

These short stories have been written by pupils in year 6. It's been a hard work for them, but we're really proud about the results. It's their first English written work and, although there are many mistakes in it, we all know how difficult can be to think and write in a foreign language. So.. well done guys!! Congratulations!!.

A Halloween Night Story

These short stories have been written by pupils in year 6. It's been a hard work for them, but we're really proud about the results. It's their first English written work and, although there are many mistakes in it, we all know how difficult can be to think and write in a foreign language. So.. well done guys!! Congratulations!!

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Song: La Castanyera Rockera

Listen and enjoy this song sung in catalan by some pupils from 5th and 6th grade!!!




Song: Free Time

Do you want to sing this song with some students from 5th grade? Yes? Ok. Have a good time!!!

I start school at nine o'clock.
I have lunch at one o'clock.
I finish school at four o'clock.
And then I've got free time!

Time for sports.
Time for me.
Time to do my homework.
And time to watch T.V.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Let's Paint Geometric Figures!

Recalling the colours painting geometric figures.

A P5 recordem els colors pintant figures geomètriques.

Yellow Time!

Children from P3 have started to learn the colors. First of the row: YELLOW.

P3 comença a experimentar amb el color groc.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

1,2,3,4,5 Once I Caught A Fish Alive

We're learning the numbers from one to ten, while we have fun singing a new song.

Estem aprenent els nombres de l'1 al 10, mentre ens divertim amb una nova cançó.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Days Of The Week

Sing and learn the days of the week.

The Alphabet

Practice the alphabet at home. Find ten pictures that you might recognize in this song.

Out In Space

Pupils in 3rd grade are studying the solar system in science class. Try to practice, learn and review what you've been learning in class through this activity. Remember, if you don't know how to do an activity, you always can skip to next page. Have fun with it.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

1r, 2n. The Butterfly Colors Song

Listen and sing the colors song!!!

6è. Vivaldi And The Fugue

Vivaldi (1678-1741) was an Italian composer and a virtuoso violinist.
His most important works are: The Four Seasons and L’Estro Armonico, a collection of twelve concertos for 1, 2 and 4 violins.

The Fugue
In a fugue, the different voices or instruments are coming one after another by imitation, but in a different level, as if they were stories.

Now listen a piece from the L’estro Armonico (Op. 3 No. 11).

Friday, 30 September 2011

Qui Som

Hello and welcome to our new English & Music blog Woolybully.

This blog is to encourage our pupils and all those who could be interested, to practice English and music through our activities. We invite you to watch cartoons and films at home, as well as sing songs or read books and comics in English, in order to do the learning process more alive and understanding.

Here you will find songs, games, grammar exercises and activities that we usually do in class as well as links of other interesting English and music web pages.

This is our second year where we are trying to develop an English project, teaching it from different areas, such as music and tales or theatre workshops with pupils in the primary, and with a special dedication to the youngest learners of this house, the ones in the nursery. 

Our main aim is to promote a better knowledge of the oral language, reinforcing the curricular area where we try to improve the writing and reading comprehension skills.

We also attempt to steer our pupils towards a receptive attitude to learn a foreign language and give them a meaningful context to practice oral comprehension and production.
We know that it might be a long way, but we’ve started it with enthusiasm, lots of motivation, and a warm received from pupils, teachers and parents.

Benvinguts al nostre bloc nou d’anglès i música Woolybully.

Aquest bloc està fet per animar els nostres alumnes, i tots aquells que pugueu estar interessats, a practicar l’anglès  i la música amb les nostres activitats. Us invitem a mirar dibuixos animats i pel·lícules en anglès, així com a cantar cançons o llegir llibres i còmics en aquesta llengua, per tal que el procés d’aprenentatge sigui més viu i entenedor.

Aquí hi trobareu cançons, jocs, exercicis gramaticals i activitats que normalment fem a classe, així com enllaços a d’altres pàgines web interessants relatives a l’anglès i la música.

Aquest és el segon any que portem a terme el desenvolupament del projecte d’anglès en el que ensenyem la llengua des de diferents àrees, com la música i els tallers d’expressió amb els alumnes de primària, amb especial dedicació als més petitons de la casa, els nens i nenes d’infantil.

El nostre principal objectiu és promoure un millor coneixement de la llengua oral, reforçant l’àrea curricular on millorem l’expressió escrita i la comprensió lectora.

També intentem fomentar en el nostre alumnat una actitud més receptiva cap a l’aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres i donar-los-hi un context coherent i significatiu, a on practicar la comprensió i la producció oral de la llengua anglesa.

Sabem que pot ser un camí llarg, però l’hem començat amb il·lusió, molta motivació i bona rebuda per part dels alumnes, mestres i pares.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

3r. The Chorale, G Key

A Chorale is a group of people who sing together. There are Children's Chorales and Adults' Chorales.

Now, listen a Children's Chorale:

And an Adults' Chorale: